Yuletide Greetings Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Yuletide Greetings Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | White | Teleflora

Price: $49.99

Brand: Teleflora

Category: White

If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! If you're going to a holiday party, thank your hostess or host ahead of time by sending this enchanting bouquet in a timeless matte red vase. You'll be assured of a warm welcome! Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and white lilies pop against a background of lush winter greens. Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and white lilies pop against a background of lush winter greens. Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and white lilies pop against a background of lush winter greens. Orientation: All-Around . Red roses and carnations, green button chrysanthemums and white lilies pop against a background of lush

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